优选项,可能对于每一个在课堂上学习过英语的同学来说都不陌生。新SAT语法同类考试是这样描述优选项的In most cases, you are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole.这句话其实也包含了GMCC的一些点,充分证明我们之前的总结是正确的。Express the idea是meaning的要求,statement appropriate for standard written English是grammar的要求,worded consistently是concise和consistent的要求。而best是统领这些部分的,有些选项是有一个或多个缺陷的,有的题目可能四个选项可能都不是很好,这个时候需要讨论出一个好的选项。这就是优选项含义。
Having a résumé that notes volunteer experience is highly beneficial.
Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?
F. says
G. lists
H. describes
J. Mentions
Suppose the writer's goal was to draft an essay that would show the influence of one American author on the work of future authors. Does this essay successfully accomplish this goal?
F. Yes, because it describes an interesting group of authors and focuses on the literature of a particular country.
G. Yes, because it gives a brief description of Sherwood Anderson's writing career and discusses his influence on writers whom his work inspired.
H. No, because it limits the focus to the contrasts between American writing and. European writing.
J. No, because it refers only to events that took place in the twenties and thirties.
这种题目常常在一篇文章中后出现,对全文的提炼要求比较高。H、J是不对的,因为原文基本涉及到目标。(这里的tips就是limits only这样的词一定要注意)F、G都是支持完成这个目标的,但是理由有差异。F中的部分原文中也有涉及,说完全错的并不客观。但是focus on这个用的过分了,相对来说没有G描述得更加客观。这就是为什么说优选项在选择正确选项时往往起着敲定后一锤的作用。对自己把握文章意思能力信心不足的同学,有“选择困难症”的同学,要有意识地提高自己使用优选项原则选择正确选项的能力。
These photographs are indicative of the delicate balance between feminine appeal and masculine labor that was expected of all women throughout World War II. *Although its success lasted only a decade, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League’s role in expanding opportunities for women during World War II and thereafter is everlasting.
If the writer were to delete the words silk, fashionable, and red from the preceding sentence, it would primarily lose:
A. details that have already been presented in the vivid imagery of the previous sentence.
B. a digression from the focus of this paragraph on the athletic talent of the players.
C. description of what was written in the captions accompanying the photographs.
D. details that highlight the femininity of the players in contrast to the masculinity of the game.
B确实偏离了athletic talent of the players,看上去合理,但是和正确选项比较的话,focus是硬伤,因为文章并没有focus on运动天赋,因此所谓的偏离相对于正确选项来说就逊色了。