The Microsoft Office Specialist certification program is the only comprehensive, performance-based certification program approved by Microsoft to validate desktop computer skills.
The Microsoft Office Specialist certification program provides computer program literacy, measures proficiency, and identifies opportunities for enhancement of skills. Successful candidates receive a Microsoft Office Specialist certification credential that sets them apart from their peers in the competitive job market.
首都经济贸易大学信息学院 现已成为MOS认证考试的授权培训和考试中心(ATC),首都经济贸易大学信息学院拟在11月29日/30日举办我校2008年首次MOS国际认证考试。
See Us, Hear Us!
Come and hear us to find more about Microsoft Office Specialist.
首都经济贸易大学 Capital University of Economics and Business
Date: November 12, 2008
Time: 6:30PM—8:30PM
Venue: Lecture Hall, 1/F, Library(West Campus)
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Everyone be there that night will be sent a GIFT, and we will have a LUCKY DRAW!
Ø 首经贸西校区:2号楼五层信息实验中心,83952111(王老师、凌老师)
Ø 首经贸东校区:1号楼210室,65976452(魏老师、肖老师)