一、本月原始【by PX】
还有一个是讲鸟 什么hummingbirds蜂鸟。在GERMANY的西南发现了 以前一直以为只有在非洲和南美有。
二、考古【感谢 元蜀黍】
P1.从化石里发现很久以前old world(非洲欧洲)有蜂鸟,但现在灭绝了。
P2.出现了2个new finding 不停的question 或者是evaluate 蜂鸟化石。
Q2.下面哪个能够strength old world有蜂鸟。
【版本二】710 V37
The birds were discovered near the village of Frauenweiler in southern Germany. Germany and all of Europe is part of the "Old World" – a region that also includes Africa, Asia and Australia. Finding modern-looking hummingbird fossils in the Old World might help to explain the existence of certain flowers in Asia and Africa that seem to scream, "I'm trying to attract a hummingbird!" Why do plants with flowers that seem to be designed to feed a hummingbird grow in parts of the world with no hummingbirds? Mayr has one possible explanation. He imagines a time when the ancestors of these hummingbird-friendly flowers and hummingbirds lived together in the Old World. They may have each changed the appearance of the other through a process of back-and-forth interaction called "coevolution." At some point the hummingbirds disappeared but the plants lived on, according to Mayr. Insects like long-tongued bees could have taken over the hummingbirds' pollination duties. Pollination is necessary for plants to produce seeds. This "case of the disappearing hummingbird" is a good example of how discovery of a very old fossil can change the way we look at the plants and animals that are alive today. Mayr named the new hummingbird species Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, which means an "unexpected European version of Trochilus." Trochilus is the name of a group of today's hummingbirds.