Which of the following factors determines the OSPF router ID when configuring a router with both physical and logical interfaces?
A. The lowest network number of any interface.
B. The highest network number of any interface.
C. The highest IP address of any logical interface.
D. The middle IP address of any logical interface.
E. The lowest IP address of any physical interface.
F. The highest IP address of any physical interface.
G. The lowest IP address of any logical interface.
Select the 1 best answer
当OSPF启动运行时,在物理接口上的路由器的OSPF RID为IP地址。
注意:OSPF路由器ID是一个在OSPF处理起始时选择的32位的IP 地址。在路由器上配置的IP地址即为路由器ID。如果配置了一个环回地址,那它就是这个路由器的ID,在多环回地址的示例中,的环回地址就是这个路由器的ID,被选中的路由器ID是不可更改的,除非移除该IP地址或重新启动OSPF。
CCNA Self-Study CCNA ICND exam certification Guide(Ciscopress,ISBN 1-58720-083-x)Page 208