集团军 group army
师 division
旅 brigade
团 regiment
营 battalion
连 company
排 platoon
陆军 army
海军 navy
空军 air force
步兵 infantry
炮兵 artillery
装甲兵 armoured force
工程兵 engineer
司令员 commander
军长 army commander
师长 division commander
旅长 brigade commander
团长 regiment commander
营长 battalion commander
连长 company commander
上将 General
中将 Lieutenant General
少将 Major General
大校 Senior Colonel
上校 Colonel
中校 Lieutenant Colonel
少校 Major
手枪 pistol
步枪 rifle
机枪 machine gun
冲锋枪 sub-machine gun
激光枪 laser gun
信号枪 signal pistol
火箭筒 rocket launcher
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快点儿! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
A: 你服役几年了?
How long have you served in the PLA?
B: 快两年了。
For nearly two years.
A: 喜欢部队生活吗?
How do you like the life in the army?
B: 很喜欢。部队生活可以说是"团结、紧张、严肃、活泼",全体官兵都是亲密战友,我们互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。
I like it very much. The life can be described as "Be united, alert, earnest and lively". All the officers and soldiers are close comrades-in-arms. We care for each other, love and help each other.
A: 太好了,既然你在部队这么长时间了,你对中国人民解放军肯定了解得比较多了。
That's very good. Now that you have been in the army for so long, you must have had a better knowledge of the PLA.
B: 可以这么说吧。中国人民解放军建于1927年8月1日,所以每年8月1日定为建军节。中国人民解放军初期叫红军,后来又叫八路军和新四军。
Of course. The PLA was founded on August 1, 1927.That's why August 1 of each year is officially celebrated as the Army Day. At the very beginning, the army used to be called the Red Army. And then it was known as the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.
A: 那自从解放战争以来,中国共产党领导下的这支武装力量就一直叫中国人民解放军了,对吗?
And since the Liberation War the armed forced led by our Party have been called the Chinese People's Liberation Army, eh?
A: 刚才你提到了军衔,请给我简单介绍一下好吗?
Just now you mentioned military ranks. Would you please give me a briefing?
B: 可以。世界上的军衔是不统一的。以美国陆军的将级军衔为例,分为五星上将、上将、中将、少将、准将。至于俄罗斯陆军的校级军衔,他们设上校、中校、少校。在我国,尉级军衔分为少尉、中尉、上尉。
Certainly.There have been various ranks in the world. Take the generals of the U.S. Army for example. They have General of the Army, General, Lieutenant General, Major General and Brigadier General. As for the middle ranks in the Russian Ground Forces, they have Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major. While in our country, the junior ranks are divided into second Lieutenant, Lieutenant and Captain.
A: 我明白了。不过用汉语说这些专门术语我还真有点儿困难。
I see. But it is a bit difficult for me to say the special terms in Chinese.
A: 部队里军衔等级这么多,你什么时候才能当上将军呢?
There are so many ranks and grades in the army. When will you be a general?
B: 很难说。现在我只是一个上等兵,要想当将军,路还长得很。中国有句俗话:"千里之行,始于足下。"
It's hard to say. Now I am only a Private 1st Class. I have a long way to go to become a general. As a Chinese saying goes, "A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step".
A: 今晚你们打算干什么?
What are you going to do this evening?
B: 啊,快到晚点名的时间了,我得走了。明天见。
Well, it's about time for the evening roll-call. I must go now. See you tomorrow.
A: 明儿见。
See you then.
集团军 group army
师 division
旅 brigade
团 regiment
营 battalion
连 company
排 platoon
陆军 army
海军 navy
空军 air force
步兵 infantry
炮兵 artillery
装甲兵 armoured force
工程兵 engineer
司令员 commander
军长 army commander
师长 division commander
旅长 brigade commander
团长 regiment commander
营长 battalion commander
连长 company commander
上将 General
中将 Lieutenant General
少将 Major General
大校 Senior Colonel
上校 Colonel
中校 Lieutenant Colonel
少校 Major
手枪 pistol
步枪 rifle
机枪 machine gun
冲锋枪 sub-machine gun
激光枪 laser gun
信号枪 signal pistol
火箭筒 rocket launcher
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快点儿! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
A: 你服役几年了?
How long have you served in the PLA?
B: 快两年了。
For nearly two years.
A: 喜欢部队生活吗?
How do you like the life in the army?
B: 很喜欢。部队生活可以说是"团结、紧张、严肃、活泼",全体官兵都是亲密战友,我们互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。
I like it very much. The life can be described as "Be united, alert, earnest and lively". All the officers and soldiers are close comrades-in-arms. We care for each other, love and help each other.
A: 太好了,既然你在部队这么长时间了,你对中国人民解放军肯定了解得比较多了。
That's very good. Now that you have been in the army for so long, you must have had a better knowledge of the PLA.
B: 可以这么说吧。中国人民解放军建于1927年8月1日,所以每年8月1日定为建军节。中国人民解放军初期叫红军,后来又叫八路军和新四军。
Of course. The PLA was founded on August 1, 1927.That's why August 1 of each year is officially celebrated as the Army Day. At the very beginning, the army used to be called the Red Army. And then it was known as the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.
A: 那自从解放战争以来,中国共产党领导下的这支武装力量就一直叫中国人民解放军了,对吗?
And since the Liberation War the armed forced led by our Party have been called the Chinese People's Liberation Army, eh?
A: 刚才你提到了军衔,请给我简单介绍一下好吗?
Just now you mentioned military ranks. Would you please give me a briefing?
B: 可以。世界上的军衔是不统一的。以美国陆军的将级军衔为例,分为五星上将、上将、中将、少将、准将。至于俄罗斯陆军的校级军衔,他们设上校、中校、少校。在我国,尉级军衔分为少尉、中尉、上尉。
Certainly.There have been various ranks in the world. Take the generals of the U.S. Army for example. They have General of the Army, General, Lieutenant General, Major General and Brigadier General. As for the middle ranks in the Russian Ground Forces, they have Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major. While in our country, the junior ranks are divided into second Lieutenant, Lieutenant and Captain.
A: 我明白了。不过用汉语说这些专门术语我还真有点儿困难。
I see. But it is a bit difficult for me to say the special terms in Chinese.
A: 部队里军衔等级这么多,你什么时候才能当上将军呢?
There are so many ranks and grades in the army. When will you be a general?
B: 很难说。现在我只是一个上等兵,要想当将军,路还长得很。中国有句俗话:"千里之行,始于足下。"
It's hard to say. Now I am only a Private 1st Class. I have a long way to go to become a general. As a Chinese saying goes, "A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step".
A: 今晚你们打算干什么?
What are you going to do this evening?
B: 啊,快到晚点名的时间了,我得走了。明天见。
Well, it's about time for the evening roll-call. I must go now. See you tomorrow.
A: 明儿见。
See you then.