2010年01月06 SAT最新每日一题

时间:2010-04-15 09:27:00   来源:智胜教育SAT     [字体: ]

考试类型:Standard Multiple Choice

Read the following SAT test question, then click on a button to select your answer.

A line segment containing the points (0, 0) and (12, 8) will also contain the point

A. (2.3)

B. (2.4)

C. (3.2)

D. (3.4)

E. (4.2)

正确答案: C


Here's Why:
The slope of the line containing the points (0, 0) and (12, 8) is , or . If (x, y) is another point on this line segment, then x and y must satisfy = , or y = x. Of the five choices, (3, 2) is the only point for which y = x.

Difficulty: Medium