1.2024年下半年大学英语六级翻译练习 篇一
灯谜灯谜(lantern riddles )是指写在彩灯上面的谜语。灯谜一般由三部分组成,即谜面、谜目(hint)和谜底。在灯谜中凡是谜面上有的字,在谜底中不能再出现。 灯谜里充满着智慧,因此猜谜底显得很有趣,这也使得猜灯谜成为元宵节的一项不可缺少的活动。灯谜在中国源远流长,可以毫不夸张地说,灯谜体现着中国人民无穷的智慧。
Lantern Riddles
Lantern riddles are riddles that are written on thelanterns. Generally, a lantern riddle consists of threeparts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer.Any character that appears in the riddle cannot bein the answer again. Lantern riddles are full of wisdom, thus working out them can be muchfun, which makes guessing riddles an essential part of the activities in the Lantern Festival.The lantern riddle has a long history in China, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is areflection of infinite wisdom of the Chinese people.
1.由…组成:可以译为consist of,也可译为be made up of或becomposed of。
2.谜面、谜目和谜底:这三个词如果理解不当就会翻译错误。谜面是该条谜语的主题,也就是灯谜本身;谜目则是附加于谜面之后,为猜谜者划定猜谜范围的提示性语言;谜底即是正确答案。所以可译为the riddle,the hint and theanswer。
4.可以毫不夸张地说:有固定译法,即it is no exaggeration to say。
5.体现着:根据汉语中多动词而英语中多用名词的习惯,可以把词性转译成名词,即 a reflection of...
2.2024年下半年大学英语六级翻译练习 篇二
压岁钱压岁钱(lucky money )是中国春节习俗中不可缺少的一项元素,是每个孩子过年时都热切期盼的礼物。除夕夜,家中的长辈会给予未成年的孩子一定数额的钱,称之为“压岁钱”,据说压岁钱可以使孩子平平安安地度过新的一年。在中国, 给压岁钱的风俗源远流长,流传至今。它是长辈送给孩子的护身符(amulet), 代表着长辈对孩子的美好祝福,可以保佑孩子在新的一年里健康吉利。
Lucky Money
As an indispensable element of the Spring Festivalcustoms in China, lucky money is a gift that everykid eagerly looks forward to during the SpringFestival. On Chinese New Year's Eve, the underagekids can receive a certain sum of cash from the elders in their family, which is called “luckymoney”. It is believed that lucky money can bless the kids to have a safe and peaceful newyear. The custom of giving lucky money has a long history and spreads up to now in China. It isan amulet the elders give their kids, representing the elders'fine wishes for the kids andblessing them with health and good fortune in the New Year.
1.除夕夜:即中国农历新年“春节”的前夜,可译为ChineseNew Year's Eve,或者the Eve of the Spring Festival。
3.一定数额的钱:翻译为a certain sum of cash。“压岁钱”译为lucky money 属于固定搭配,而这里提到的具体的“钱”译为cash则更贴切一些,因为压岁钱一般都是采用现金的形式。
4.源远流长,流传至今:翻译为have a long history and spread up to now, 此类常见短语的译法记下来,在考试中遇到,可直接套用。
5.吉利:即“好的运气”,所以可翻译为good fortune。
3.2024年下半年大学英语六级翻译练习 篇三
春节春节是中国最重要,也是最热闹的古老节日之一。春节象征着团结、兴旺以及对未来寄予新的希望。据记载,中国人过春节已有四千多年的历史。中同是个多民族的国家,各民族(nationality)过春节的形式各有不同。但是无论在中国的哪个地方,人们都会在春节期间全家团圆,吃年糕(New Year cake),饺子以及各种丰盛的饭菜。人们张灯结彩,燃放鞭炮,并互相祝福。
The Spring Festival
In China, the Spring Festival is one of the mostsignificant and lively ancient festivals, whichsymbolizes unity, prosperity and new hopes for thefuture. It is recorded that the custom of celebratingthe Spring Festival has lasted for more than 4,000 years. As a multi-ethnic country, differentnationalities in China have various ways of celebrating the Spring Festival. However, wherever inChina, people will have a family reunion during the festival, eating New Year cakes, dumplingsand various hearty meals, decorating the houses with lanterns and festoons, setting offfirecrackers and blessing each others.
1.春节:翻译为the Spring Festival,注意前面一定要加上定冠词the。—般说来,因际惯例假日前面通常不加the,但是中国的大多数传统节日前面都需要加 the。
2.据记载:对于这祌没有明确指出记载来源的句子,一般翻译为it is recorded that...如果后面给出了记载的来源,则可以译为according to...。
3.过春节:过春节实际就是“庆祝春节这个节日”,所以可译为celebrate the Spring Festival,用 celebrate 来表达“过…的含义”。
4.全家团圆:翻译为family reunion,"—家人从四面八方赶回来重聚在一起", 就是“全家团圆”,familyreunion可以简洁、准确地表达出这一意思。
5.张灯结彩:意思就是用灯饰和花彩装饰房屋,因此可译为decorate the houses with lanterns andfestoons。