
时间:2023-10-12 17:00:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【#英语口语# #美式英语口语常用句(汇总10篇)#】美式英语相对于英式英语来说,语调较为平稳,调域变化较小,听起来也柔顺点。而英式英语的语调抑扬顿挫,铿锵有力,调域之间变化较大,更有气势一点。©无忧考网整理了十篇美式英语口语常用句,欢迎阅读!

1.美式英语口语常用句 篇一

  Add your own examples of the end.

  Dogs eat bones.

  Mike likes bikes.

  Elsa wants a book.

  Adam plays pool.

  Bobby needs some money.

  Susie combs her hair.

  John lives in France.

  Nelly teaches French.

  Ben writes articles.

  Keys open locks.

  Jerry makes music.

  Jean sells some apples.

  Carol paints the car.

2.美式英语口语常用句 篇二

  Practice the noun stress pattern after me, using pitch change.

  Add your own examples of the end. Add your own examples.

  Dogs eat bones.

  Mike likes bikes.

  Elsa wants a book.

  Adam plays pool.

  Bobby needs some money.

  Susie combs her hair.

  John lives in France.

  Nelly teaches French.

3.美式英语口语常用句 篇三

  Thirty Little Turtles In a Bottle of Bottled Water.

  Thrdee Liddl Terdl Zin Bddl Bddl Dwder.

  A bottle of bottled water held 30 little turtles.

  It didn't matter that each turtle had to rattle a metal ladle

  in order to get a little bit of noodles,a total turtle delicacy.

  The problem was that there were many turtle battles for the less than oodles of noodles.

  The littlest turtles always lost.

  because every time they thought about grappling with the haggler turtles.

  their little turtle minds boggled and they only caught a little bit of noodles.

4.美式英语口语常用句 篇四

  Voiced and Unvoiced Sounds with T.

  This exercise is for the practice of the difference between words that end in either a vowel or a voiced consonant.

  which means that the vowel is lengthened or doubled.

  Therefore, these words are on a much larger, longer stairstep.

  Words that end in an unvoiced consonant are on a smaller, shorter stairstep.

  This occurs whether the vowel in question is tense or lax.

5.美式英语口语常用句 篇五

  You and I are going to read with our tongues firmly held at the roofs of our mouths.

  If you want, hold a clean dime there with the tongue's tip.

  the dime will let you know when you have dropped your tongue because it will fall out.

  Do not use candy; it will hold itself there since wet candy is sticky.

  If you prefer, you can read with your tongue between your teeth instead of the standard behind-the-teeth position, and use a small mirror.

  Remember that with this technique you can actually see your tongue disappear as you hear your L sounds drop off.

  It's going to sound ridiculous, of course, and nobody would ever intentionally sound like this.

6.美式英语口语常用句 篇六

  but no one will hear you practice.

  You don't want to sound like this.

  Force your tongue to make all the various vowels in spite of its position.

  Leave a little for Lola!

  Pause the CD, and find and mark all the L sounds in the familiar paragraph below.

  the first one is marked for you. There are seventeen of them;

  five are silent.

  Afterwards, check Answer Key, beginning on page 193.

  Once you've found all the L sounds, the good news is that very often you don't even have to pronounce them.

  Read the following list of words after me.

7.美式英语口语常用句 篇七

  would could should.

  chalk talk walk.

  calm palm psalm.

  already alright almond.

  although almost always.

  salmon alms Albany.

  folk caulk polka.

  Go through the paragraph that follows and find the three u's and the five to seven u's.

  Remember that your own speech style can increase the possibilities.

  you have a choice of a strong u.

8.美式英语口语常用句 篇八

  LL: I'm sorry, Li Hua, but my bum knee is bothering me. I don't think it's a good idea to play tennis right now.

  LL: I have a bum knee means that there is something permanently wrong with my knee.

  LL:I tore a tendon playing soccer several years ago, and now my knee hurts once in a while and it doesn't always bend well.

  LL: Yes, having a bum knee or leg is very common, particularly among former professional athletes.

  LL: Yes, well many of them do suffer from a bum leg, a bum knee, or a bum shoulder.

  LL: That's true, but not all of them make that much money and they still suffer injuries that leave them with a bum joint.

  LL: Li Hua. I would play with you if I could. Try to find someone who can play with you. If you can't, give me a call and we can watch a movie or something.

9.美式英语口语常用句 篇九

  LL: I'm sorry, I can't. My mom just called to tell me that my uncle is in the hospital because he has a bum ticker. I should go and visit him.

  LL: He has a bum ticker. Ticker is slang for one's heart because your heartbeats similar to the way in which a clock ticks. My uncle has a bad heart.

  LL: No, he just had some pains in his chest. He knows that he has a bum ticker, so he went to the hospital to have it checked out.

  LL: Well, we've warned my uncle to take care of his old ticker, but he doesn't listen. He still eats junk food and he has a very stressful job.

  LL: I hope so, but he has already had a heart attack and surgery, so I doubt he'll change his habits because of a few chest pains.

10.美式英语口语常用句 篇十

  An unstressed T in the middle of a staircase between two vowel sounds should be pronounced as a soft D.

  Betty bought a bit of better butter.

  Pat ought to sit on a lap.

  Read the following sentences out loud.

  Make sure that the underlined unstressed Ts sound like a soft D.

  What a good idea.

  Put it in a bottle.

  Write it in a letter.

  Set it on the metal gutter.

  Put all the data in the computer.