Keep asking yourself "why"
Explain the alternatives
Give an example
Do you think that school children should be encouraged to have their ownideas, or is it more important for them to learn what their teachers givethem?
I think that we should definitely allow children to be creative and havetheir own ideas. (why?) Children need to develop the ability to think forthemselves and solve problems (why?) because as adults they will not always havesomebody to guide them or tell them what to do. (alternatives?) If we don'tallow children to have their own ideas, they will be less successful in theadult world; they will be too reliant on others. (example?) A doctor, forexample, might encounter a situation that he or she hasn't been trained for, butwill still be expected to make a decision that could save someone's life.
Question: What do you think are the most important qualities for friends tohave?
Maybe the most important things are that friends need to share commoninterests and be honest with each other. (why?) Friends are people we spend alot of time with, so it definitely helps if they enjoy doing the same activitiesor talking about the same topics as we do, and of course we need to be able totrust our friends, so honesty is vital for a good friendship. (alternatives /example?) I think I would struggle to become friends with someone who didn’thave anything in common with me, or who wasn’t reliable or trustworthy.
Question: How important do you think it is for a person to spend some timealone?
I’d say that it’s essential to spend a bit of time alone, even if it’s justa few minutes a day. (why?) When you have a few minutes to yourself, it’s achance to take stock and reflect on things. (why?) Most of us live such busylives that our brains need time to catch up every now and then. (example /alternatives?) Personally, I try to have a bit of “me time” every day; I’ll gofor a coffee or find a quiet place to sit and read the newspaper. If I never hadany time alone, I think I’d go mad!
这就要求(toask)所有的考生们要在考试之前做好准备(preparation)的前提下,做出灵活机敏的反应(reflection)。首先我们要了解一下雅思口语考试,它注重的是考生的英语交际(communication)能力,目的是测试(totestify)英语国家学习(learning)和生活(living)的能力及英语的交际能力(ability)。这必然与交际过程中所运用的策略和技巧密切相关(closeconnection)。因此,语言能力并非绝对保障口语考试的成功。面试时要有个人的风格(style)和特色(characteristic),要处于放松(tobe relaxed)状态。想要取得雅思口语高分,大家一定要掌握一些雅思口语技巧。
二、怎样在面试中运用(to apply)自己有准备的材料,以免陷入被动的境地(situation),也是一个相当重要的问题。
面试(interview)过程中必然会出现考生未能准备的问题,如果考生对有准备的问题和未能准备好问题的回答语言表达(包括语言风格和流利程度)反差较大,考官首先就会对有准备的回答产生怀疑(doubt),认为由此判定考生的水平不可靠,往往未等考生说完便打断话题(topic),接着转换到另一个话题上去,或者就考生回答的内容提更多的问题(morequestion)。被打断的次数越多,考试也就变得越被动。因此,考生在考试中对所背材料必须做技术处理,使整个面试过程保持整体一致性,从语言(language)到表情动作(expression and action),给考官一个自然而无斧凿之痕的印象(be natural)。
可以说,口语在短时期(in shortperiod)内得到明显提高几乎是不可能的(impossible),因而考生的临场心理素质和考生的交际策略与技巧成了应考的关键因素。可见,参加口试必须在各个方面都要做好充分的准备(preparation),才能立于不败之地。考生们也可以随时来培训学校(training)来咨询(toconsult)有关雅思考试的一系列问题。
很多考生们喜欢大批量的记单词,以为只有单词记的多,雅思口语和雅思写作就迎刃而解,其实,情况并非如此。学习雅思不能单纯背单词,词汇并不是越多越好,学生应该注重读与写的双向能力。同时,雅思考试重在考查考生的真实阅读理解能力,所以只有结合文意与语境才能突破瓶颈。一味 的死记硬背不会提高口语能力,反而会让自己的懵懵懂懂,以至于浪费时间,一定要在一定的语句中掌握单词的意思及用法,这样才能事半功倍。