How Important Is Money?No one would argue, I think, that money is unimportant. There are certain things that humanbeings need — food, shelter, medical care and these things cost money. But if one has enoughmoney to live on, to pay for the basic essentials of life, is it important to have a lot more moneythan that? Will your life improve in proportion to the amount of money that you have?
Well, there is no denying that money can buy a lot. Maybe you do not need much money to payfor a simple shelter, but how about if you want a nice big apartment in a nice neighbourhood, or if you want to buy a house? In fact, people do get on each other's nerves if they are crowdedtogether in a small kitchen, if a married couple cannot but share a room with their parents, ifchildren are not allowed to have a little privacy of their own.
Moreover, it is nice to get a little pleasure out of life, a little fun from time to time. Unfortunately, many of the fun things that you can do today cost money. In modern cities, forexample, on any night, outstanding performers appear in night clubs and on concert stages. Furthermore, you can dine on foods from every corner of the world in the restaurants. So howcan it be that many people in modern cities do not have fun? Simple, they do not have themoney to take advantage of all these attractions.
So, is money the road to happiness? Not really. Large numbers of people work every day, workovertime, work weekends, and make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They have no time toform or maintain friendship, no time to enjoy themselves.
Surely everyone has thought at times, "If only I had a lot of money, I would be the happiestperson in the world." But it is important to remember that money is only a means to an end, not the end itself.
A woman takes a stained clothing item to a smartly dressed man who then washes the stainaway with miracle was hing powder. The immediate response from the woman is that thisbrand of washing powder is indeed superior to all other brands. Such is one of the typicalcommercial ads that are repeatedly shown on TV every evening. Towards this, people holddifferent attitudes.Those who maintain positive opinions believe that TV ads help to bring into public view a gooddeal of news, mostly commercial, which might otherwise have remained unknown. Those whohate TV ads say that most of the ads, especially their repetition, have reached the point ofirritation and they are just a waste of time.
In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. On the one hand, TV ads, in the form of a rtisticpictures, are presented in such a fantastic way and with such witty language that they notonly seduce customers to buy their products, but also give people enjoyment. On the otherhand, not all ads are trustworthy. A certain number of them are deceitful.
To sum up, ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do usually with the aimbehind them being to enrich some business. To resist this influence so as to make wisedecisions, we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason
E-learning has become one of the fastest growing markets in the world and shows no signs of slowing down. Although it will never supplant traditional university education, e-learning offers an attractive alternative to many people.One major advantage of online learning is that it enables students to learn based on their own schedules. With e-learning, the participant can build a study schedule around his or her particular life situation, rather than the other way around. Another key benefit of online education is that it places no geographical restraints on students. Students with laptop computers can find a comfortable spot in any location with wireless Internet access and set up a virtual lecture hall. Finally, e-learning has the advantage of offering individualized instruction. For instance, students may be able to listen to prerecorded lectures, view lecture notes on-screen or print them out on paper, depending on individual preferences.
In conclusion, online education offers some major advantages. As e-learning technology continues to improve and the education market becomes more diversified, online education is likely to see further gains in popularity.